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Photovoltaic fault disconnecting device

Pv troubleshooting device TC-3088H

Time Added: 2020-01-06 15:09:37 Views:

1. Anti-interference performance of grid-connected fault disconnecting device TC-3088H

       a.The ability of the fault disconnecting device to withstand high-frequency pulse interference

       The device can withstand GB/T14598.Measurement of electrical interference tests for relays and protective devices - Part 1:1 MHZ pulse Group interference test for high frequency pulses of 1 MHZ and 100 KHZ, harsh class III。

       b.The ability of fault disconnecting device to withstand electrostatic discharge interference

       The device can withstand GB/T14598.14-1998 Measurement of electrical interference tests for relays and protective devices - Part 2: Electrostatic discharge tests for electrostatic discharge interference with a voltage of 8kV and a severe class III。

       c.Ability of fault disconnecting device to withstand radiation electromagnetic field interference

       The device can withstand GB/T14598.9-1995 Electrical relays-Part 22 Tests for measuring the electrical interference of relays and protective devices Part 3: Radiation Electromagnetic Field Interference Tests for radiation electromagnetic field interference specified in the harsh class III。

       d.The ability of the fault disconnecting device to withstand fast transient interference

       The device can withstand GB/T14598.10-1996 Electrical relays - Part 22 - Measurement of electrical interference tests for relays and protective devices - Part IV: Rapid Transient Interference tests - Fast transient interference of the severity class III specified in this section。

       e.The ability of the fault disconnecting device to withstand the interruption interference of the auxiliary excitation

       The device can withstand the auxiliary excitation interruption with a duration of 100ms specified in the "ZB K45 020-90 General Technical Conditions for Protection, automatic relays and Devices of Power Systems", and the device will not change its output state in an incorrect manner。

2, grid-connected fault disconnecting device TC-3088H environmental conditions

       a. Ambient temperature: Operating temperature: -15℃ ~ +65℃

       Storage and transportation temperature: -25℃ ~ +70℃

       b. Atmospheric pressure: 80 ~ 110kPa

       c. Relative humidity: not more than 90%

3. Description of the hardware structure of grid-connected fault disconnecting device TC-3088H

       TC-3088H series devices are 3u chassis, embedded installation, the whole panel form, back plug and pull structure, the back of the box wiring, the advantage of the back plug chassis is to achieve the real separation of strong and weak。

4. The main functions of the troubleshooting device TC-3088H are introduced

       TC-3088H fault disconnecting device, in the operation of the system, the device constantly monitors the bus voltage and measure the current, with abnormal current and voltage alarm function, and the other Settings are as follows:

       (1) Bus overvoltage trip (optional back) two-time trip。

       (2) Zero sequence overvoltage trip (optional back-off) two-time trip。

       (3) Low voltage trip (after the circuit breaker closing position detection, as a low voltage lock condition, three-phase line voltage has a route voltage below a certain value, the device operates, unlining the switch) two time trip。

       (4) Over frequency tripping (through the circuit breaker closing position, and low voltage locking, while the system frequency must be lower than the high frequency setting, can be put into this function) two time tripping。

       (5) Low frequency tripping (through the circuit breaker closing position, and low voltage locking, while the system frequency must have been greater than the low frequency set value, can be put into this function) two time tripping。

       (6) Current over line alarm (optional back)

       (7) Can be extended to 8 output trips。 One time limit hops four routes, two time limit hops four routes。

       (8)PT break alarm block low voltage (can choose to throw back, put into this function, to access the external 3U0 loop, and current loop as an auxiliary criterion)

       (9) Measurement and control functions: U, I, P, Q, cosΦ, F (requires measurement current and voltage input)



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